Pocher models aren’t toys, they’re a lifestyle

We supply aftermarket Pocher parts of unsurpassed quality, so you can pursue your passion at a larger scale

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Welcome to Model Motorcars

The world's premier aftermarket Pocher online store

Created more than 40 years ago with amazing detail, Pocher Classic models have become coveted collectibles for modelers and automobile lovers all over the world. At Model Motorcars, we understand your drive to improve your Pocher experience, bringing you the best catalog of proprietary parts and materials for over 25 years. From all imaginable parts to books, CDs and tools to help you build and customize the car of your dreams, we have you covered. We pride ourselves in providing the best researched, manufactured and finished parts the world over.

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First Time in 35 Years!

A Sale...

We found a supplier with a great price on Sprue Cutters...
and, decided to pass the savings to our customers!

Our regular price was $15.00...now just $6.00!

Part No.T080 $6.00 each

Click here to purchase.

A Special Announcement!

Due to the Coronavirus, some of our overseas suppliers are closed. We will continue selling those imported parts until they’re gone.

Hopefully, this crisis will be over soon, and we will be able to re-stock.

Stay home, be safe, enjoy our wonderful hobby!!!

Marvin, Jorge and Frank

Jigs, Patterns, Fixtures and Other Dance Steps

In the course of building Pocher models, there will come a time when additional construction techniques will become all too apparent by their absence. We are all familiar with the frustration of trying to un-do a bolt without the aid of a correctly sized wrench, or trying to achieve a smooth surface with the incorrect file. At some point, ambitious builders inevitably encounter tasks for which simple hand tools are inadequate. The result can be frustration and irritation. A few power tools, a drill press here, a sanding disc there, even the occasional lathe or mill may seem to be inadequate to some tasks. ‘How can this be?’, one might ask, in a high-pitched wail of despair. A room full of tools, and still stuff can’t be done. The answer may be not in the music itself, but in the dance steps.

Too often in trying to build something for our beloved Pochers, we lose sight of the fact that the doohickey we are trying to build is not the real challenge. The challenge is to duplicate the doohickey. We have all had the experience of gaining speed and accuracy as we work through assembling duplicate parts—wire wheels, seats, brakes. Sometimes there is a considerable difference between the first item built and the last. For some of us, this is the reason we build more than one Pocher. After having struggled to learn how to assemble one, we are anxious to take advantage of our newfound skills. Our friends at Pocher were aware of this phenomenon, and the wire wheels are proof of their concern: we are provided with a jig to assure that we get the assembly correct. With any luck at all, the jig allows us to get a consistent and attractive result with a minimum of frustration. This principle can be widely applied.

The trick is to shift our focus from the doohickey we need to the design of a jig to assure an accurate result. The more time spent on the jig, the less time will be spent on building the part. An added benefit is that the jig will be reusable and may serve in future projects. Jigs, like the box step in dancing, are a basic requirement of the Pocher dance. Simple engine details, dashboard accessories and chassis components are good candidates. Unfortunately, the builder is often confronted with a construction project for which building a jig will take more time than the effort to build a simple pair of components. For six or eight components, the jigs the thing.

Patterns, the seamstress’s friend, are another matter altogether. Patterns are ideal for one-off items. Using paper to establish the shape of a headliner or the shape of a window is a sensible way to establish dimensions without relying on the trickiness of measuring devices or the risk of wasting material. Furthermore, cutting paper is much more easily done than cutting styrene, brass or leather. Patterns may be less sexy than a jig, but they are a treasure nonetheless, especially when it comes to one-off projects with complex shapes.

Jigs and patterns are old friends for most of us, but closely related are the rarely seen fixtures. Ah, now here is something we can sink our teeth into. A fixture is for those times when several elements need to be coordinated for proper fabrication. A fixture can hold different pieces together in preparation for soldering. A fixture can guarantee that dimensions will be identical, or nearly so, and a fixture can guarantee that pieces will fit together. Fixtures are a Pocher builder’s friend. Well, perhaps not a ‘friend’ but surely a ‘helpful acquaintance’ in the way that learning the Lindy can be helpful to a dancer. Not often called for, but when it is, it is essential. Like the Lindy, the effort to create a fixture has to balanced against the effort to construct it. The juice may not justify the squeeze, but when accuracy is paramount, fixtures are essential.

Finally, the pinnacle of thingamabobs and whatnots, we come to the Proof of Concept, or the ballet in our pantheon of dance steps. This is the idea that some things are so important that we must construct a ‘prototype’, complete with working components and precise dimensions. If it succeeds, we will build it ‘for real’ out of actual materials and install it in our Pocher. Things like spare wheel brackets, dashboards, hood louvers, seats, and windshields are all complex and visible, the twin challenges of scratch-building. Screw up one of these projects, and the model can be compromised. When there is no room for error, failure is not an option. In these cases, there is no alternative but to construct a proof of concept that will allow the testing of not only various aesthetics, but of the very techniques of construction. Yikes. Sounds like fun. Big fun.

As is so often the case, reading about something runs the risk of sucking away all of the joy, so this treatise will end on a high note, a pirouette as it were. What follows is a series of photos that show a catalogue of thingamajiggers and doohickies that have served Model Motorcars through the years. The point is not to torment the unsuspecting Pocher builder, nor to turn model building into hard work. The idea here is to suggest another way to enhance and to refine our wonderful Pocher adventure. Sometimes it is important to remind ourselves of what goes on behind the scenes. Like dancing, model building is all about making things look easy.


Alfa Leaf Springs


Rolls-Royce Axle


Rolls-Royce Headlights

Back in Stock!


After many months of delays, we are now completely back in stock of all our Tires!

Including the new Tires for the MB Gullwing.

July's Feature Exhibit

David Christian's

Alfa Monza under Construction


When COVID hit us all, in a moment of madness and in spite of the fact that I don’t ever recall finishing the few model cars I attempted in my youth, I decided I wanted to build a Pocher Monza.

I ultimately found a kit on eBay and assumed, in April or 2020 that it would keep me occupied for a few months until lockdown ended.

Sooooo, it is now July of 2024 and I am still working on the same model.

Even though the kit is supposed to be a street car, I decided to build the car that competed in the 1933 Grand Prix Monte Carlo, driven by Tazio Nuvolari. That year, he actually lost, but apparently it was an incredible race with over forty passes for the lead.

To make it even more difficult, as I am obviously a glutton for punishment, I decided to build it as it might have appeared after blowing the engine on the last lap.

I hope you enjoy the following photos. As a retired architect, I am very design oriented, and have tremendously enjoyed researching these wonderful cars. I have also tried to bring the Pocher model closer to the way the actual cars were built many decades ago. Although I had some fabrication skills, they were more in areas like motorcycle restoration. So, I had to rely on many of my new friends in the modeling community to guide me along my path of trying to become a modeler. Believe me, I had to learn everything from airbrushing to 3D printing over a hundred parts I designed.

One of the most wonderful parts of this adventure is all the new friends I have been lucky enough to make in the modeling community. I truly could never have even made a reasonable start on this ongoing project without their help and support. Two of the earliest to help were Paul Koo, whose DVD’s convinced me that a mere mortal could actually build one of these things, and Marvin Meit with Model Motorcars, whose advice and support was invaluable.

Click here for more photos.


Shipments of new orders may experience temporary delays. You may continue to browse and place orders on our site, but please be advised that it may take longer than usual to ship your order. We sincerely appreciate your patience. Thank you for continuing to support our small business in these challenging times!

An Update!

Shel Urlik's1/8" Scale 1933 Bugatti 50T Engine in Aluminum
Shel has added some photos and new text...wonderful!

Click here to Read and See!

We have now opened the Scale Hardware Model Museum. Featuring all scales and subjects!

Click here to begin your tour.

You may have noticed the addition of several videos to the Museum.
It's very easy with all the new devices and certainly adds
to the presentation of your beautiful models.

Keep them coming!

Visit our Museum

If you have photo or videos posted and
they need corrections, please contact us!

These helpful hints have made our modeling experience more fun over the years…

We hope they do the same for you!

See Useful Information

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